Wordle – the best word to start the game, according to a language researcher

If you’ve been on any social media platform in the past two weeks, you’ve probably seen a grid of green, yellow and black squares. This is the latest pandemic phenomenon called Wordle – a free online game that gives users a new word puzzle each day.

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Judge me by my name do you? The symbolism behind Baby Yoda’s name

Names have always played an important role in the Star Wars universe. Names like Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles or Bib Fortuna are all otherworldly, and yet somehow they sound perfectly plausible. Star Wars names are also often perfect matches for the character. It’s hard to imagine someone named Jabba the Hutt as a slim athlete, or a person named Darth Vader giving gifts to kids on Christmas Eve.

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Baby naming time? Here’s how people judge what’s in a name

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” -Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet

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