Effects of iconicity in recognition memory

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., Khachatoorian, N., & Vigliocco, G.
Journal: Cognitive Science
Published: 2023
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The maluma/takete effect is late: No longitudinal evidence for shape sound symbolism in the first year

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., Athanasopoulou, A., Archer, S.L., Czarnecki, N., Curtin, & Pexman, P.
Journal: PLOS ONE
Published: 2023
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I don’t see what you’re saying. The maluma/takete effect does not depend on the visual appearance of phonemes as they are articulated

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., & Vigliocco, G.
Journal: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Published: 2022
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Higher-order factors in sound symbolism

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., Vigliocco, G., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Journal of Memory and Language
Published: 2022
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Is a boat bigger than a ship? Null results in the investigation of vowel sound symbolism on size judgments in real language

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Published: 2022
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Impact of perceived interpersonal similarity on attention to the eyes of same-race and other-race face

Author(s): Kawakami, K., Friesen, J. P., Williams, A., Vingilis-Jaremko, L., Sidhu, D. M., Rodriguez-Bailón, R., Cañadas, E., & Hugenberg, K.
Journal: Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications
Published: In press

Implications of the “Language as Situated” view for written iconicity. [Peer commentary on “Language is far less arbitrary than one thinks: Iconicity and indexicality in real-world learning and processing” by M. Murgiano, Y. Motamedi, & G. Vigliocco]

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Journal of Cognition
Published: 2021
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An investigation of iconic language development in four datasets

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., Williamson, J., Slavova, V., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Journal of Child Language
Published: 2021
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Sound symbolism shapes the English language: The maluma/takete effect in English nouns

Author(s): Sidhu, D. M., Westbury, C., Hollis, G., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Published: 2021
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Iconicity emerges and is maintained in spoken language

Author(s): Vinson, D., Jones, M., Sidhu, D. M., Lau-Zhu, A., Santiago, J., & Vigliocco, G.
Journal: Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Published: 2021

Effects of emotion and concreteness on children’s recognition memory

Author(s): Kim, J., Sidhu, D. M., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Published: 2020

Evaluating metapragmatic training for typically-developing children

Author(s): Lee. K., Sidhu, D. M., & Pexman, P. M.
Journal: Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology
Published: 2020
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